Shiraz is situated in the southern part of Iran which is called the city of poets . Famous farsi poet Hafez , saadi were born there . There is lots of places in travel Shiraz . From the old capital of Naqsh – e – Rostam in the times of Achaemenid empire of 2500 years ago to Islamic famous mosque of nasir – al – mulk to the tomb of famous farsi poet Hafiz and saadi and the famous religious site Shah cheragh . It is also the birth place of the famous food Faluda . It is a beautiful city with lots of trees and the old capital of King Dauris.
How to reach Shiraz ?
You can reach Shiraz by 3 main modes of transport Airlines , Buses and trains . From the major cities you will get regular buses and trains toward shiraz .

Most of the intercity buses leaves from the Karandish Bus terminal . It is situated in the heart of the city . You can go there , here you can find lots of different bus company . You can choose your destination and ask for a bus ticket . In my experience they will sell tickets for the same day or the day after . Most of the bus counter people don’t know any english at all . So they mostly prefer to sell tickets to local people or you should be accompanied by a local people who can help you . Though when I visited shiraz , All people are saying that most of the buses were taken by government to send some 40000 pilgrims to Iraq for attending some religious ceremony . So may be my cases in exceptional situations .
Whatever I understand from the transport system you should better try to book the bus ticket either from a travel agent or ask the hotel owner to book on your behave . They will take a small commission . You can enquire the bus ticket price and availability from the www.mrblit.com or www.safar724.com . but you can not pay the price online as all international cards are banned in iran for the US Sanctions . So you must need a local people to book a ticket or you can go to the bus station or you can make a understanding with the driver to get a sitting place .
You can contact Gashttour travel and tour agency or Gardeshgaran shiraz travel agency . I personally visited both of them . You can find english speaking people who can book bus , train or flight tickets . In my opinion you should bargain a little bit as I see that there is a price difference between two travel agency in the case of flight ticket . First one is cheaper and they also organise tour all over iran and travel shiraz attractions also .
I must say bus prices are very low in iran and comfort level are very high . There is huge leg space for all seats and there is leg support system so you almost sleep in the bus . Roads are also excellent in iran and the buses are running over 100 km of speed but you don’t feel and discomfort in a night bus or in the day bus .
Local buses are very cheap inside the city . It is only 5000 toman which is 0.08 USD and all buses are air conditioned inside IRAN . You can ride from the first stop to the last stop in the same price . But all the sign boards as well as the bus no are written in Farsi and there is no app in IRAN to identify how to reach your destination like google maps or 2GIS . One more thing , Befor coming to iran please download the offline maps in google maps . As offline maps downloading is not possible when you inside IRAN . So for using the public transport either you have to talk with the driver or ask help from the local people . Most of the local people will advised you to book a snap . But for booking a snap you need a local SIM card . Getting a SIM card in IRAN is nor so easy . So for booking snap , also you need to take help from the local people . But I must say that people of iran are very helpful and you will never have any problem to navigate inside the city .
Train Travel :

I don’t have train experience in IRAN as I never board any reservation in train . I think you have to book train far more advance (at least a month ago) in popular travel route . Trains are completely owned by the Iran govt . So tickets are cheap as compared to the bus and the journey are more comfortable .
From Shiraz there is rail connectivity to all major cities of Iran . But I must say that Railway station is far more distant from the city . I don’t find the customer service is great but seeing a foreigner they might eager to help as hospitality is in the root of Iranian culture .
My host says that they might confused hind(India) people with the Pakistani people . Whenever they understand that you are an Indian they will welcome and eager to help .
Aieroplane journey :
I feel that , the airlines is the best option to travel from shiraz to tehran (capital) or other important cities which are long distance . This airport is a international airport so some of the international destinations also you can reach from this airport .
You can not book domestic cheap flights from the international apps . So better , go to a travel agent to book a flight for any domestic cities .

Shared taxi or the Savari :
If you don’t get both bus and trains and don’t want to spend more money on airlines then this option is for yours . Beside the every bus stand or inside the bus stand some people will shouted about the destination . In Iran it has amazingly long distance shared taxi . The price will be just the double of the bus fare but it are much quicker than bus as speed and no intermediate stop except the toilet or little rest . I heard that from Shiraz you have shared taxi toward Tehran , Isfahan , Mashad and lots more cities . If you don’t want to cover such a long distance from Shiraz to Tehran you make a intermediate stop at Isfahan .
Special food just from Shiraz :
Faloodeh shirazi :
The whole world is fan of the faluda ice cream but as per the History it was invented in Shiraz in 400 BC when the religion of the iran was Zoroastrianism and Achaemenid empire rule this land .
Most of the famous faluda shops were situated near to the Ark of karim khan and Vakil Bazar in the Zand street . One of the famous faluda shop is Jamshidian ice cream .
First the creamy ice ice cream was put on the cup then it was covered with white vermicili . Then they added some rose water in it . The ice cream is very thick . You can see local people lined in front of the shops to just taste ice cream and make a break from the Hot summer .
Price of this ice cream is 60000 toman (1.05 USD) .

Ash Reshteh :

This is one of the famous food in Iran and Shiraz . You can see big lines in front of this shops . This is a unique types of noodles where it is a mixture of the noodles . peas , lentils , beans , onions , and seasonal vegetables , noodles , curd , mint and fried onion . It is a unique food which is only found i Iran .
I would not say that it is super tasty but will say it is unique and have unique taste . It is Healthy and not spicy so anybody can try . We Indian have a unique habit of eating the spicy food .
Price of a small bowl of Ash Reshteh is 50000 Toman (.88 USD ).
Places to travel Shiraz :
Shiraz is one of the important city in Iran i the point of view of Tourism and culture . As some of the great Farsi poets born here . The near by site of Naqsh – e – Rostam is the ancient capital in the 5oo BC and Shiraz itself was the capital in the time of the Zand Dynasty . Most of the tourist attractions are situated nearby and can be walk able (1-2 km distant ). Most of the tourist attractions are opened around 8 am and priced between (100000($1.76) – 250000($ 4.41) ) toman . It is to be noted that most of the tourist attractions are closed in Friday , so avoid travelling in Friday
Ark of Karim Khan :

Ark of Karim Khan was a famous building constructed in the 18 th century by the Zand Dynasty . It was used as the office and many public building including a Mosque . Inside the Ark there there is a beautiful pool , bath house (where people can enjoy the sauna ) , Garden and now a days some souvenir shops . The wall of the ark was made by the clay burned brick and the big cylindrical pillars are used to observe the near by area .
It is opened between 8 am to 10 pm and entry fees is 250000 ($4.41) Toman .
Vakil Bazar :

Vakil Bazar is one of the prominent market just near to the Ark of Karim khan . It was build in the 18 th century and you can experience the persian architecture in the market . You can see busy people transporting items from one part of the another by hand trolly .
Here you can buy foods , electronics , souvenirs , garments , carpets all under one roof . In the meantime you can see budget rolls and samosas .
The market is opened from around 7 am to 10 pm .
Nasir al Mulk Mosque :
Nasir al mulk mosque is the most beautiful mosque in Shiraz opened toward public on 19 th century . It has colorful glass panel and it is a beautiful example of the Iranian’s architecture . It is one of the beautiful mosque to travel persia .
It is to be mentioned that this mosque will open for public everyday .(No friday closure )It is opened from 8 am to 10 pm and entry fees is 300000($ 5.29) toman

Shah Cheragh Holy Shrine :

Shah cheragh shrine which is the mausoleum of the Sayyid Ahmad son of Musa – al – kazim(who is belived the son of the prophet Mohammad ) and brother of Imam Raza(a famous shiya saint ) is a important pilgrimage site for the shia Muslims and one of the important place to travel shiraz . It has a beautiful domes and beautiful silver door . Inside the cmplex there is beautiful irannian glass and tiles work . There is a theological school and small Museum inside the complex .
This photo is taken from the outside because in Friday it is totally closed . Only muslims entering for religious purpose are allowed . They invited me to come in the next day . Unfortunately that was the last day I stayed inside the city . Whatever I heard the entry to the shrine is free and there is free english speaking Guide for the site .
Jameh Atigh Mosque :

Jameh Atigh Mosque is a 9 th century mosque build in the celebration of the Shiraz by Saffarid Amroleiss . In the ceiling above the door there is beautiful tiles and Iranian architecture . The domes and the columns are very attractive . There is a iwan and shabestan (This is a underground place in traditional mosque used during summers and be ventilated by the windcatchers ) .
There is a entry fees in Jameh Atigh Mosque and it is opened between 9:00 – 16:30 and in friday it is totally closed .
Khan school :

Khan school was established in the time of the safavid dynasty in the 17 th century by Hossein Shamaee . It is religious teaching school . there is five halls to represent the holy no 5 . The building is a two storied building and it is decorated by the persian tiles work . There is a porch in the school where molla teaches morals in the school .
It is opened everyday and there is a entry fees of 150000($ 2.64) toman .
Armenian church of Shiraz :
St Mary’s Armenian church is one of the oldest proof of Armenian presence in Shiraz . It was build in the year 1662 , in the time of Shah Abbas 2 of Safavid Dynasty . It is in it’s original form since then . There is beautiful fresco in the wooden ceiling of this building and the walls of this church .
Unfortunately it is closed in the normal days and only opened during the festival times . If you have local links , contact them to have a visit in this church . It is the outside picture I have taken from the road .

Takht – e Jamshid :

Takht -e – Jamshid or Persopolis is the ancient capital of the achaemenid empior in 2500 BC . It is a vast complex with different palaces , harems of king , remains of the treasury building , burial places and beautiful reliefs in the walls of the building . This was one of the biggest cities of the world at that time . In the time of of the Darius I and Xerxes 1 this Persian empire was spread in the east from Indian , china to the west Egypt , turkey and some parts of eastern Europe . It also contains some of the modern day Russia . The Kings were Zoroastrian and worship Ahura Mazda . The city destroyed after alexander the great conquire the land and burned the city .
This place is almost 60 km from the Shiraz city . From the locals and from my host I learned that there was no public transport system . You have to book a taxi and that costs between 200000($3.52) – 300000($ 5.29) tomans . But I dought that there is no public transport to this historical important UNESCO recognised place . If you have time you can research on that , how to go there with public transport . If you know please comment on my post . You can book a round trip with a taxi , that will be most comfortable with you . They will wait 1 hour free of cost but after that they will charge 50000 toman per hour . I don’t know how much time I need to visit so I said him to go .
Entry ticket price is 350000($6.17) toman . you can take a guide but it will be between (700000($12.34) – 1000000($17.64)) toman for a single person . For the group tour they might ask more . I take a audio tour , it was 300000($ 5.29) toman and they install avayar app where audio guide is available for all Iranian attraction . If you can find that app in online then you can visit all Iranian sites guide or one time pay to them and enjoy the audio guide for all Iranian sites .
Miscellinous :
There is numerous attractions to travel shiraz . You can see the tomb of famous fersi poet Hafiz and saadi in the Shiraz . There was famous persian garden Afif abad garden , Eram garden , Delgosha Garden . There was lots of famous Bazaar in Siraz like Vakil Bazaar , Mesgarha Bazaar and the Moshir – e – Bazaar . 60 km from the Shiraz there is the ancient capital and the tombs of the Achemenid empire kings which spread from the modern day turkey to the Indian and chine border . It also spreads in the some parts of the north eastern africa specially egypt .
I have been in shiraz for a small period of time . For traveler like me there is needed more time to properly explore the city and it’s surroundings . Within 200 km from Shiraz there is archaeological sites of Sassanid period , Pasargadae (from where the achemenids empires expand ) and persopalis . Which all are the UNESCO World Heritage sites . You can easily make a day tour when visiting the Shiraz .
Enjoy the trip and please feel free to ask any questation of shiraz tour in Sahakumar105@gmail.com . I will try my best to help.