I shyam sundar Saha , make a visit in Nepal in March 2022 . In This journey I have covered Lumbini , Pokhra , Marpha , Jomsom , Muktinath , Kathmandu and Janakpur . Within this journey I have visited Some Unique Tempple In Nepal . First one is situated near to the Ancient archeological city of kapilavastu named Samai mai temple and the second Temple is situated in the way from kathmandu to Janakpur near Purano Jhangajholi village , near the mulkot suspension bridge . This temple is called Mirror Temple . Beside the NH 06 you will found lots of small mirrors were placed in the walls .
Samay Mai Temple :

This ancient temple is situated in the Ancient site of Kapilavastu or Tilaurakot . Inside the temple there is two stone which thought to be godess . In outside you will found lots of Elephants replica . There is a beautiful story behind the temple tradition . I heard the story from my guide .
This temple is situated just inside this tilaurakot kapilavastu ancient sites .
This place have been situated in the royal residence complex of Shakya King Shuddodhan (Father of buddha ). After the marriage of Shuddhodhan and Mayadevi , for long time they don’t have any baby . By the local believe she worshiped in this temple for son . After that she dreamed the famous dream where a white elephant shower her and there was a white lotus . After some time she gave birth to a Baby . That baby later become goutam buddha . From that time it has been very sacred temple for the local people .

People pray here for their problem and if this problem is solved they made a concrete or marbel elephant and donate to the temple . If people are not so rich they make cooking and gave it to the needy people . Around the temple you will found different colored and sized model of elephant .Previously this temple have been wooden build but now it is a brick made structure . It is just a small structure but the tradition just amazed me . Some of the sadhus are sit outside the temple for some donations .
Mirror Temple

There is a very small temple just beside the road which is dedicated to Seti Devi . This temple is situated just beside the NH06 .Sunkoshi river is blowing in the foothills of this mountain . Here people just hang Mirrors in the wall beside the road . It looked very mysterious . In this temple people pray for the safety of their journey in this road . This temple is situated near to the mulkot suspension bridge . Nearby village is Purano Jhangaiholi . Google map link I have shared below .
There is a story I heard from the local people . That is previously there was no BP Highway . After building of the road therehas been concurrent accident of bus and truck on that curved road and the vehicle fall on the sunkoshi river . After that people search for the reason . After consulting lots of older people they found that there was a idol of Godess durga(Seti Devi) and it has not been worshipped for long . Accidents were reason for goddesses fury . Then people made a temple of Durga beside the road and worshipped her . It is believed that if the mirrors were placed beside the temple goddess will be pleased . So the devotees worshipped here and people placed a mirror on the wall beside the road.
In my visit to nepal I have seen this two Unique temples which have some out of the box traditions but might be , there is lots of unique temple in this country and also the unique traditions . Nepal is a ancient Hindu country where people are very religious . That is the reason we see this type of unique tradition .