“Traveling solo does not always mean you’re alone. Most often, you meet marvelous people along the way and make connections that last a lifetime.”
Is it really possible to become single in the process of travel ? When you coming out from your home single , it is impossible to travel without interacting with others . Yes , when you travel solo there is no known person besides you but that does not mean there is no person . If you just talk with open heart they will also . You don’t feel alone . Sometimes they can be very good friend . In my experience most of the good friends are made when there is no need to make friendship . I world rather say this is one of the best tool to make trusted friend .
In most of the areas people loves to talk to foreign people . As you love to know about them , they also . They treat you specially . Everybody had some stories to tell with their closed ones . As they are the new story in your life , you also same in their life . Everybody has a child inside them who is curious about new thing . Let your child alive . Everywhere most of the people are loving , caring and hospitable . You will find the world is beautiful and full of joyful and hospitable people , not like that shown in the News . Rarely I found people don’t welcome guests in their Land .
Now the Question arises why solo travel ? What is so specialty in It . When most of the people seen it very disappointing . Somebody will sympathetically say you “you are traveling solo , nobody to accompany you , I am so sorry for you ” another people will say “If you become sick who will taken care of you ” then another one will definitely say ” If robbery or theft of valuable happens , then how can you manage ” then the last someone will say suspiciously that , “someone is going with you but you are hiding from us “. This are the many stories goes on before you start solo trip . Then after you came back you listen “you are very lucky , how beautifully you have traveled and lets see I am still in home , Nobody is here to accompany me ” . So people will say .
If you want to sea snow capped mountain , white sand beach , blue ocean , amazing desert , meting lots of new people , experience their culture and can taste lots of different delicious food you must be solo . Because if you travel with someone from your culture , it will obstruct you to dissolve in a new culture . So I travel solo and loves to travel solo .
Why solo Travel ?
It is all my personal opinion . I have made most of my trip solo . Only few trips with my family . Below are the reasons you may travel solo
- One of the biggest reason is spontaneity of the trip. If you travel solo whenever you have spare time , instantly you can made plan . Just book a ticket and go to your destination . In today’s time there is very little scope to call friends and arrange a trip . If you have passion for travel then go for it
- If you are in a group you have to worry about others . You have to worry where the other members are . If am I lagging behind them . This thoughts can’t made you lost in the beauty of the nature . If you travel solo just lost in the beauty of nature and culture of local people . You will be released from the bind of time . How you want , you can travel .
- Here I have the option to choose my budget . I am a budget traveler . I don’t like to go expensive hotels or restaurant . But when you are in a group you have to choose accordingly . In lots of time it increases your budget so you have less money for the next trip . That is another reason I travel solo.
- As there is no person behind you so you talk with local people . So you learn more about the place and their culture . This will open your mind and make you accept people from all religion and customs without hesitation .
- As there is no one with you so you learn to better manage you . It will strengthens your instincts . It says what is your strength and weakness . It says how to make perfect decision . This is the major tool for solo travel
- when you make solo trip sometimes birth of a new personality comes in you . As in a solo trip rather than your custom , their customs will influence you more that let you see the world in a new perspective . This sometimes changes your behavior . What is very bigger for you that might not be bigger for them and what is very small for you that might bigger issue for them . You see people having much more bigger problem than you and still smiling . It diminishes your problem. strengthens your personality .
- Of course complete freedom as nobody is going to judge you , nobody tells you what to do what not except your consciousness .
- Sometimes people need calmness and silence from the regular daily chaotic life . It increases your calmness. I would suggest don’t use mobile phone during travel or minimizing it to truly feel the magic of solo travel. I have heard who made the grand canyon journey solo just come with a changed people . As there is nobody to interact with you or influence your thought .
Key points when traveling solo
- When you travel solo always taken care of the hygiene. When choosing hotel rooms always prefer the roam where wind is blowing and clear sunlight comes . It need not to be expensive hotel but always taken a eye on the cleanliness of the room . You should make an eye if the bed covers and pillow covers are changed or not . This means a lot to make a successful solo trip .
- Always keep some essential medicine with you when traveling solo.
- When you eat I would say never eat too spicy and oily food as if you become ill , you have to taken care of yourself . I would always say eat vegan food . Most of the food poison comes from the non veg food . If you eat non – veg , keep an eye on the food. Don’t eat if you feel little bit bad about the food . Once I have been badly effected by food poison in Darjeeling .
- Always keep your valuable in a different bag and keep it with you . Also keep your money evenly distributed in different bags so if one bag is mis fortunately stolen still you will not be totally empty handed .
- Don’t belief people blindly though they might become good friends in the way of travel
- Always respect others culture and behave accordingly . You have to understand you are not in your society , you are in their society so behave accordingly .
- Better to carry different cards than more cash . If something is stolen still you can reduce the financial loss .
- I would say don’t come very late in your hotel or Hostel . As in the night , most of the crime happens with the outsiders .
- I would say only in extreme cases you may approach Police . They are not always helpful , seeing you single and being a foreigner . they may harass you . Although I am not make an opinion for every police personal .
- Always taken help from locals . They might be good guide to the place . sometimes Google maps don’t give you correct guidance .
- Never hesitate to talk new people . Who knows the story might be same in the opposite side .
I am a solo traveler . You can visit my story on here