Khulna is the third largest city in Bangladesh and it is situated in the western part of the Bangladesh . It was the part of the ancient kingdom of Vanga and Samanta Dynasty . It was also the part of sena Dynasty of the 12 th century . Near to the city there were two UNESCO World Heritage sites Sundarban Mangrove Forest and the sixty domes Mosque . Shilaidaha Kuthibari-of Rabindranath Thakur and the Lalan Sha Mazar are two of the famous tourist and as well as historical spots which are little far from Khulna .
Divisional Museum, Khulna :

This museum is the second biggest in Bangladesh , established in the year 1998 and situated in the centre of the Khulna City .
There were gold and silver coins from the 5 th – 6 th century . In the first floor of the museum there were lots of shiva statues . Lots of brick structures were conserved of the king Bharat . There were numerous statues of God and Godess of Hindu religion .
This museum is closed in sunday and Friday and in other week days it is opened from 10 am – 5 pm and in monday from 2:30 pm – 5 pm . Entry fees for the bangladeshi citizen is 20 Taka and 100 Taka for foreigner
sundarban tour :
Sundarban is the Largest Mangrove forest in the World situated one third in India and two third in Bangladesh . It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and Khulna is the last bigger city near Sundarban. Most of the sundarban tours start from here or from the Mongla port .
There were lots of tourist companies organise tour toward the Sundarban . Most of the ferry start either from the Rupsha ferry Ghat or from the Mongla Ferry Ghat . You can book the tour according to your budget .

Sixty domes mosque :

Sixty dome mosque is a medieval architectured building made by khan jahan ali in 1459 . It is situated in the Bagerhat upazila of the khulna division . It has all togeather 81 domes , some are circular and some are rectangular . This is a UNESCO World Heritage site recognized in 1985 .
Some says the name of the mosque came from the sixty pillars of the mosque . This rectangular mosque is decorated with terracotta design and unique in shape and size .
This Mosque is opened from 8 AM to 5 PM . Ticket price for Bangladeshi Citizen is 20 taka . For SAARC countries it is 100 taka and 200 taka for other National .
Shilaidaha Kuthibari-Rabindranath Tagore :
Shilaidaha Kuthibari is the country house of the Famous poet Rabindra nath thakur and his forefather . It is situated in the kumarkhali upazila of the Kustia zila . Ramlochan buy this building in the year 1807 . Rabindranath thakur lived here from 1891 – 1901 infrequently and write the famous song which is the National anthem of Bangladesh .
After independence it was under the archeological dept of Bangladesh and in 1986 this three storied building was converted into a museum .
This museum is opened between 10 am – 5 pm but in Sunday it is closed and in monday it is opened between 2 pm – 5 pm . entry fees for Bangladeshi people is 20 taka , SAARC 100 taka and foreigner 200 taka .

Khan Jahan Ali Bridge :

This bridge is situated on the Rupsa river which is 17 km from the city . This bridge is 1.6km in length and it is mainly used to connect the southern district of the Bangladesh . Some people come here to see the Bridges .
Lots of local people can ride on the bridge through stairs . on the entry and exit of the Bridge .
Fakir Lalon Shah’s Mazaar :
Lalon fakir was a great philosopher , songwriter sufi saint and the creator of the Baul song . Through his songs he criticise the social evils in a caricature manner . This is situated in Kustia zila.
After his death his followers practised baul song here and in 1963 and finally this magnificent mausoleum was build . There were tombs of his deciples around the main Mazar . There is a museum where all the instruments used by the Lalon fakir Bauls are preserved and a academic research centre was established .

1971 : Genocide-Torture Archive & Museum :
This museum is build for reminding the atrocities the pakistani army made with the bengali people , the torture , killling , rapes and inhuman attitude. This museum was opened here in 17 th May , 2014 . Later govt tmade a six floor building dedicated for this museum .
There is 5000 books , lots of photos and paintings showing the atrocities made by the pakisthani army . They mainly targeted the educated Bengali who make protest against the pakisthani army and leading the bengali population .
There was a motorcycle used by the pakisthani forces and a gas chamber where people were burned alive . There were lots of killing grounds , mass graves . This museum is also researching and documenting on those issues .
The museum is opened between 10 am – 6 pm and closed on monday . Entry fees to the museum is 5 taka .

Summary :
Khulna is a old port and the city in eastern Bangladesh mainly for the Gateway to the Sundarban mangrove forest . Famous poet Rabindrandra nath thakur’s kuthibari and Lalan sah Mazar is little distance from the Khulna city . In the time of Independence Pakisthan army conducted genocide mainly in this part of the Bangladesh which is shown in Genosite Museum . Bagerhat sixty dome mosque is another UNESCO World Heritage site in Bangladesh .