Da Nang is one of the biggest city in Vietnam and situated in the middle of the Vietnam . There is lots of places to visit in da nang vietnam . Among them bana hills , Da nang beach , the Marble Mountain , lady buddha statue , champ museum , Dragon Bridge , Han Market and Da nang cathedral are most prominent . Actually this city has been situated in the Estuary of the Han River .
This city has been very old and in the time of Champ kingdom (1st century to 10 th century) this city has been called Singhapura . Later the name has changed to Da Nang .
This city has been most famous for it’s clean and great beaches with lime stone mountains . Imperial city of Hue , Old town of Hoi An and Myson temple ruins of Champ kingdom are the three UNESCO World heritage sites situated very near to this city . This all places are situated within 1-3 hours of drive from the Da Nang City .
Transport in Da Nang :

Public transport is almost non existent in the Da Nang City . Specially after covid lots of routes were cancelled . You can get city buses which only runs inside the city . In this city motor bike and the bike taxi are the major modes of transport inside the city . Shuttle buses and the Buses are mode of transport used for the inter city travel .
In most of the routes prices are between 6000 – 9000 VND
places to visit in da nang vietnam :
Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture :

In Cham Museum you can see numerous collection of Hindu sculpture from the Champ KIngdom . It is astonishing to belive that one time Indian culture and hinduism has such a influence that Vietnam was ruled by a Hindu king .
This kingdom has been in the power of vietnam for 1000 years from the 1 st century to the 10 th century .
In this museum you can see lots of sculptures about Hindu gods , relief of mythological stories and the some ruins from the Myson temple . Inside this temple you can see a specific big shiva linga .
In each sculpture there is a small qr code . If you scan through their app a small description about the items will be displayed in the audio visual format . This feature is very useful to learn about the items in this museum .
Price : Ticket price to enter champ museum is 40000 VND for a single person .
My khe Beach :
This is one of the most famous beach in Da nang city . It is almost 15 km long beach beside the south china sea in Vietnam .
Local people and tourist come here to enjoy the beach and the sea . You can see people playing different games in the evening time . There is lots of street food shops in the bay road of this beach . Lots of people walk in the evening on those roads .

Dragon Bridge :

This bridge has been build in the year 2013 . It is the sign of Vietnamese culture and Engineering marvel . On both the end of the bridge , there is a Dragon . Dragon is a sacred animal in the zeng buddhism .
In every weekend in the time of 9 pm this dragon will throw fire and water from it’s mouth . This is a amazing things to see .
This bridge is situated just in front of the Champ Museum .
Da Nang Cathedral :
Da Nang Cathedral is a catholic church situated in the heart of the Da Nang city near to the Han Market . It was established by the priest Louis Vallet in 1923 .
This Pink colored building was build in european gothic style and it’s top most part is 70 m height from the base .
In the backside of this church there is a small cave where they presented the birth story of Jesus . In the evening time lots of people gathered there .

Nhà hàng Làng Cá :

This is the most interesting place in my mind in Da nang . It is actually a Restaurant . When I first visited this place , I thought it was a aquarium but they actually sell fish in this place .
They have a collection of fish , crab , shrimp , lobstar . snails and many more . Prices are labeled in the Aquarium .
You choose a item . They pick up the item from the water and freshly cooked here .
I just can’t compare any fish market with this . They have a very huge variety of items . First time I have seen 10-15 types of snails , different type of crab and shrimp . The shop is really huge . You need at least 30 minutes to visit the shop .
Marbel Mountain :
This are the combination of five marbel and limestone mountains situated just 30 km from the Da Nang city . In those marbel mountains there are multiple caves of hindu and Buddhist religion . So this is a pilgrimage place also .
You can also climb to the top of this mountains .

Golden Bridge in Ba Na Hills :

This Golden Bridge has been the recent addition in the attraction of Bana Hill . There is a bridge for the pedestrian which is holded by two big concrete human hands .
This place have been very famous for the sunrise and the sunset view point . From the ground to the top you can go by a ropeway . This is the latest tourist attraction in Da Nang .
Summary :
Da Nang is one of the biggest city in Vietnam . It has also some local spots to visit but the major attractions are the three UNESCO World heritage sites near to the Da Nang City . Da nang is also famous for it’s beaches and sea food . In previous time Da Nang has been the central point of the champ kingdom (Hindu Kingdom) . Later Zen Buddhism spread in this area and champ kingdom was destroyed .