Lake Nakuru National Park :

Lake Nakuru National Park is situated near to the Nakuru town which is situated 150 km from the capital Nairobi . It is a rift valley lake situated 1754 meter above the sea level and spread around 188 sq km . The main attraction of this national park is red flamingo , warthogs , baboons lions , zebra , rihnos ,Hyenas, Jackals and other large and small animals .There are 450 species of birds , 56 types of mamals , and 550 types of vegitation . The lake is surrounded by trees and long bushes . In the shore of the lake you may see millions of different types of birds .

My journey from the Nairobi to Nakuru

I started my journey from the main bus stand of the Nairobi city . This place is near to the city center . From here the long route buses runs . From my hostel to this area is not far . In the roadside people are selling boiled egg and they put chopped tomato inside . The famous local fruits are avocado , bananas , passion fruit , mangosteen and many more . I board a bus which is going to the Kisimu (famous port of Lake victoria ) .but in between there is a story of ridding the bus and reaching your destination . I am from India , in our country also long route buses sometimes don’t want to leave before they are full . It may delay 30 minutes but this one is extreme .

Kenya buses

First of all there is no fixed rate for the buses in any route and no fixed time . You have to bargain for the bus ticket price . They said that the bus will leave in 15 minus . After 20 minutes I go they will say same . Every time I reach they will say that the bus will leave in 15 minutes . Finally I stop asking them . In between there will be several vendors try to sell you something . After one and half hour , I think the bus is trying to move but it actually not and it parked in another place .

In between a christian priest come and give religious lecture . Kenya is predominantly a christian country . So everybody listen it very carefully . People are not impatient anymore , they said it is completely usual of this kind of Late . I become impatient , but the prist think that as I am Hindu so I am not listening him . He politely try to influence his message , I say you are not a tall the problem , actually the bus is not leaving for two hours . He understand my word and say it is useal here . After almost 2 and half hour the bus left the depot and start running through the Highway no A104 . The scenery in the both side is very beautiful mostly the mountains are dead volcano . This is a unique experience in this bus journey . In Kenya the roads are almost like a line .

Finally the bus dropped me in the Highway near to a petrol pump . From here I have taken a bike ride to reach to the actual gate of the national park . It was 4 km from the highway . This park has been declared as a conservation area in 1957 .

After reaching the gate of the National Park I have to hire a driver to travel inside the park . This are rangers also . In case of any wild animals attack they have weapons also . I give him 100 USD all together with the park entry fees($70 ) and for his car and we started the journey around the 3 pm I don’t have much time as I have to return back . But the experience was amazing .When you enter the national park they will give you a map of the national park . For saving the money and adventure some westerners drive car by themselves but spotting the animals is very difficult . As this rangers have the Radio communication and if one ranger spotted birds or animals they will tell the spot to the other ranger . I tell if you come here as a group take a ranger with you . It will be safe and informative for you .

The car was fully covered from all sides and roads are not tarmac but in good condition . The ranger says that in this time the water level rises and you can see for lots trees half is submerged under water . You can see some animals beside the road like White Rhinos, African Buffalos, Rothschild Giraffes, Zebras, Impalas, Olive Baboons, Vervet Monkeys, Waterbucks, Hyenas, Jackals and many more but probably you don’t see lions or cheetah .

Some of the famous birds you can see except flamingo are Fish Eagle , slender – green -greenbul , Long tailed -Windowbird , Rufous-throated-wryneck , Montane white eye , Red capped Lark , Northern puff back , Ruppells Robin chat , shining sunbird .In the shore of the lard you heard the sound of the thousand birds . You can see lots of different types of duck , vultures , ostrich , Pigeons and Doves inside the national park . It is a heaven for the birdwatchers . I never seen such a no of birds inside anywhere I traveled in the world . The birds are not a tall feared by men , they present in their own joy . The atmosphere here t are wonderful. I just come out of the car seeing so much birds but the driver cautioned me to not go far as there is wild buffelo .

This national Park entry fees for the residents and kenyans is 860 KSH and for foreigners it is 70 USD .

I spend there almost two hours . I want to spend more time here but I have to come back to Nairobi as my booking of the Hotel was in Nairobi . So I asked that driver to drop to the mini VAN center . This are more fast and regular . Africans are very gentle and he helped me to buy the tickets and after seeing I board the van he leaves . 5:30 it leaves and reached Nairobi around 9 pm . In the night time you see lots of young people run in the road . Kenyan’s are naturally long and slim . In athletics they have good name but there are bad people also who snatch out your valuable from you . I heard lots of Bad stories about Nairobi city , Nairobi is not safe in the night time . So , I just take some food and walk fast towards my hostel .

Summary :

Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the best national park to watch bird . When you have to reach inside the National Park , you can see thousands of birds of different types . There are different types of mammals and plants inside the national park . Water of this lake is alkaline which give birth to lots of algeis . For that reason thousands of flamingos come here for food . Expert estimates there is almost 2 million flamingos in the National Park . The rangers are very nice they will give you lots of information about the jungle and animals .

References :

1 ) I downloaded the Kenya bus picture from

2 ) Downloaded picture of Kenya road from

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