Khujand – the second biggest city iin Tajikisthan is also one of the oldest city in central asia dating back to 500 BC under the persian Empire .It is situated it the northern most part of Tajikisthan near to the Uzbekisthan and Kyrgisthan . I entered into Khujand from the sudgh province near kokand city of Uzbekisthan.
How to reach khujand:
There is no train to connect Khujand . So this option is unavailable
Near by airport is Gafurov airport . I don’t get much information in internet about that . Might be some domestic flights of Helicaptor landed there .
The third one is the practical option to reach Khujand by road . I come here from Uzbekisthan and Tajikisthan border near Kokand , Uzbekisthan . At first the driver asked me 100 tajik somani to reach to the Khujand city . In my shared there were a russian couple . They have some family connection to this area , so they know the place well . They are so helpful that , they told me to not give more than 50 somani (5 USD ). The driver undersand that his face has been revealed . So finally what he do that he dropped them in their destination and board me in another mashrutka which going to the city . Actually Tajikisthan people are one of the kindest and hospitable people in all central asia .
This people are very poor . When I board the taxi they literally fight each outher to get the customer . This guy has keep my bag in his car and another guy who may be first in the line , he was by passed . So they almost pulling my bag . I stopped them and said if you fight like that I will choose another taxi . Here competation is stiff and tourists are less in this border . So they always try to get the attention of the tourists .

From Dushanbe there is shared taxi toward Khujand which will drop you near to the bus terminal . There is two different rate for foreigner and for the locals . I read that in wikitravel the price wil be 100 somani , also my host says don’t pay more than 100 somani but actually nobody are willing with this price they will charge at least 150 somani . After lots of bargain I found one guy agrree with this price . I have to wait in the same place for almost 1 hour . After that the taxi starts . Because of the construction of a big tunnel now a days you can reach dushanbe within 4 hours but people sayas that just few years ago it was almost 9 hour to reach .
For the local transport in the city and outskirt of the city is done by the Mashrutka . The conductor will shouted the places name loudly . You can ask any of them for your destination . The price in this transport is between 1.5 – 3.5 Tajik somani . In my trip I don’t find any public bus .
Before you withdraw money make your own reserch as most of the ATM will not give give you more than 2000 Tajik somani in one transaction . Some ATM can give you upto 4000 Tajik somani so you can save the multiple transaction fees . Remember that ATM are available only in the bigger cities and if you are planning to travel Pamir take cash with you . You will get hard times to get a ATM and exchange rate is not good except the bigger cities like Khujand and Dushanbe .
Where to stay in Khujand :
Khujand is little expensive inn case of stay as in the Booking.com there is only two hostel one is Boston Hotel (7 USD but situated 7 km from the city and full of migrant workers , not recomanded for the tourists . Hotel is good and expensive and I am talking about the Hostel ) and another is Hotel Hyesung (20 usd for one night and it is situated in the heart of the city ).
Historical Museum of Sughd region :

Historical Museum of Sughd region is one of the best museum in this region . As earlier I said that it is one of the oldest cities in the central asia , dating back from the 500 BC . Alexander the great has invaded the city in 329 BC and from the local guide I heard that alexander’s wife is also from the sughd region . In the upper floor of this museum there is beautiful Moziac telling the stories of Alexander the great .

After you entered through the main gate you will found a big statue of a fighter . It is the statue of Ismoili somoni who is the national hero of Tajikisthan . He ruled from the city of Bukhara , Uzbekisthan and expanded his empire in modern day IRAN and afganisthan . He also faught turk to remain his countries Independence .
This museum is opened in weekend from 9am – 4 pm and in weekdays from 8 am – 4 pm , but monday it is totally closed .
Kayrakkum reservior :

Kayrakkum reservior is one the biggest artificial water body in this area by making a dam on the river Syr Darya . The reservior was 56 km in length and 15 km in the width . The Kayrakkum dam was build in the 1956 for the Hydro power generation and irrigation purpose . For it’s large size in 2016 the reservior was named Tajik sea .
It is also a Ramsar site . So some tourist come here to see different birds and local enjoy this place as beach warm up place .
Panjshabe Bazar :

Panjshabe bazar is one of the interesting place to visit in Khujand . The main roofed market was constructed on the year 1964 . Outside of the market there is small stalls with tent . This market usally very busy on Thursday , so it is named like this .
Somani Park :

Somoni park is situated in the opposite side of the syr darya river of the Khujand city . This side is full of mountains and within few kilometers starts the mountain . There you can see a big statue of Ismail somoni who is the national hero of Tajikisthan . There is a small garden beside the statue .
Arbole cultural palace :

Arbole cultural palace was a administrative building surving the soviet era and build in the mid of the 20 th century by a local leader of collective farming Saidkhodzha Urunkhodzhaev . He visited the peterhof palace in St Petesburg . It takes 5 years to complete and costs 12 million rubbles . The architect of this palace promished that , the color of interior will last 100 years , my guide said 60 years have passed , still it is fresh like the time of building . In my experience it is the best looking soviet style building in the whole central asia . You can see this palace in the bank currency of Tajikisthan

This palace is devided into three parts . Southern part is used as the museum . If you go inside you will learn lot about the local history and specially the collective farming in this area . This palace has beautiful water fountain in front of it and local kids are playing in the water pools . In the garden I see people are making marriage photoshoot as it is one of the beautiful place in the Khujand .
With beauty of this palace this palace is historic also . The independence accord was signed and ending of the civil war accord was signed in this building . The design of the national flag is also made in the premises of this building . Still now lots of government meetings were held in the above audiotorium .
There is no entry fees to see it from outside but for going inside you need a ticket .
Kamal Khujandi Statue :

Kamal khujandi is one of the greatest 14 th century persian sufi ghazal poet , who born in Khujand . He is counted as one of the greatesst romantic poet in Persian culture , often compared as the legendary poet Hafez .
So he is one of the greatest poet in this region .
Summary :
Khujand is the second biggest city and one of the oldest city in Tajikisthan . Alexander the great attacked this city and his wife is from this region . There is some tourist spots among this Arbole palace is my favourite . This city is near to bothe the Kyrgisthan and Uzbekisthan . Panjshabe Bazar is one of the interesting area to visit in this city . may be two day is enough for visiting this city .