angkor archeological park

Ankor Wat Temple

Angkor archeological park is one of the Largest Archeological park in the Whole world . It spreads more than 400 square km and have more than 100 km of of road inside . It was the capital of the Ancients Khmer kings between 9 th – 12 th century . The main attraction of the Park is the Ankor Wat temple , which is the largest religious construction in the whole world with the guineas World Record holder. With Ankor temple there are also several famous temple like Bayon temple , Ta prom , Bantey kedi , pre rup , eastern mebon , ta som , neak poan , preah khan , Bapuhan temple , terrace of Lepar king , Terrace of Elephant , Ta keo temple and many more . This temples are closely connected by good road but there are two famous temple banteay siri and Rolous group of temples which are very far from this area .

Top temples in angkor archeological park :

1. Ankor Wat :

By the Guines World record , It is the largest religious institution in the Whole World . It was build in the earlier 12 th century by the king Suryavarman II . The whole temple is surrounded by a wider Moat . The Ankor Wat temple is situated in the middle .

Originally this temple was dedicated to Lord Vishnu , but later converted to Buddhism . In the top level there are Buddha statue in different posture . In the Base level there are wider relief of Ramayana , Mahabharata , and Hindu Mythological stories . Specially the churning of Milk from the Hindu Mythology was really beautiful . With this there were certain relief which describe the stories of the King and the kingdom and the lifestyle of the villagers in this area .

2. Ta Prom :

After Angkor Wat and Bayon Temple this temple is one of the biggest and most important temple inside the Angkor archeological Park . After you enter this temple from the western gate where is a Bayon style four faced structure , you have to walk 500 meter to enter the temple . This temple is a totally walled temple . This temple has been conserved with the Cambodian and Archeological survey of India .

King Jayavarman VII build this temple in the year 1186 AD . “Ta prom ” means “old bramha” so people think that this was a Hindu god Bramha Temple . This temple is known as the “Rajavihara” which means the royal Monastery . King Jayavarman VII installed lots of statues inside this temple , among them the most important is the “Prajanaparamita” which closely resembles to king’s mother . There is also lots of Buddhist statues inside this temple .

3. Banteay Kedi :

Banteay Kedi temple was build , supposed to be in the end of the 12 th century by Jayavarman VII . As this temple was build in the time of Jayavarman VII(who build the famous bayon temple) so you can see bayon style face in the gate of this temple . This temple is called the citadel of monks because many monks lived here in different interval of time . The main deity of this temple is Bodhisattva Avalokiteswara . It has three enclosure and the temple is quiet lengthy than wider . Inside this temple there is beautiful relief in the wall . I also seen a shiva linga stand inside this temple . There is lots of towers inside this temple .

4. Pre Rup :

Pre Rup Temple

Pre rup is a shiva temple build in the year 961 – 962 AD by the king Rajendravarman and it was build by the brick , laterite and the sandstone . It’s golden color makes it most beautiful in the morning and in the evening time . The conservation of this temple is really nice .

5. Eastern Mebon :

This temple was build in the 10 th century by Rajendravarman and dedicated to shiva . The specification of this temple is , in the four corner of this temple there is four stone Elephant . It is a three level temple and at the top level there was five towers .

6. Ta Som :

TA Som is an another Buddhist temple build in the time of the Jayavarman VII and dedicated to his father Dhranindravarman II. This temple is a one level temple and was build in the end of the 12 th century . The main gate of the temple is build like Bayon style four faces .

7. Neak poan :

Neak poan temple is a very unique temple and build inside a Lake . From the outer road to this temple there is a wooden causeway . Inside this temple there is lots of statue of crocodile and a structure inside a pond . This temple is also made in the time of Jayavarman VII .

8. Preah Khan :

Preah Khan was another temple build by the king Jayavarman VII in the end of the 12 th century dedicated to his father . If you enter this temple from the back side then you can see lots of human statues unfulfilled . This may looks like a churning of milk .

9. Baphuan Temple :

Baphuan Temle is one of the biggest temple in the Ankor Archelogical area and was build in the middle of 11 th century by the Suryavarman I . This temple was first dedicated to the Lord Shiva but later converted into Teravada Buddishm . The pyramidal shape of the temple attracts too much tourist and situated just beside the Bayon temple . For that reason this temple is called the Golden Mountain . This temple is a multi layered temple and from the road there is elevated street to reach to the base of this temple .

10. Terrace of Lepar King :

Terrace of the Lepar King

Terrace of Lepar King was a Bayon style temple build by the Jayavarman VII but this name come from a earlier king named Yashovarman I who have leprosy . Lots of moss growing by the side of this statue , for that reason , this temple is called the terrace of Lepar King . There has been beautifully carved statues by the side of this temple .

11. Bayon Temple :

Bayon temple

Bayon temple was another master piece which was build by the Jayavarman VII in the end of the 12 th century and early of 13 th century . This temple is also called the “Jayagiri”. This temple has lots of towers with strange looking face on the four front of the tower . Somebody thinks that the faces are of buddha , the king Jayavarman VII or the Bhramha (a hindu GOD ).

12. Prasat Ta Keo Temple :

Ta keo is a temple build by the Jayavarman V . It has all together 5 level temple and in the top most level there are five towers . This whole temple complex is surrounded by a deep moat .

13. Elephant terrace :

Elephant Terrace

Elephant terrace was the platform , from where king Jayavarman VII see his victorious army . This also used as the ceremonial hall of King . This terrace was 350 meter in length and having curve of elephant in the wall . There was other organic structure in this platform but now a days only the platform has survived .

angkor wat ticket :

angkor archeological park is a huge historical place with multiple temple . The Ankor pass will cover all the archelogical sites inside this area . There is a three types of pass for Ankor Wat . 1 day pass will cost 37 USD where a 62 USD pass is giving you three day entry within 10 days and a 72 USD pass will give you a 7 day entry in 30 days .

The ticket can be purchased online from the link or from the ticket booking office directly . Ankor archelogical park is opened everyday and most of the temple opened from 7 :30 am to 5:30 pm but Ankor wat , pre rup , sras srang and bakeng temple opened from 5 :00 am to 5:30 pm daily .

How to travel inside Angkor Archeological area :

Roads in front of the Ankor Thom Gate

Ancient Ankor Wat was once the biggest city of the ancient World . Ankor archeological park is spread over 400 sq km inside this region . It’s capital Ankor thom was a 3 km * 3 Km walled city . There was two circuit inside the Ankor wat area … Bigger and the smaller circle . To cover bigger circle where there is lots of temples you have to travel almost 50 KM inside the Park . There might be more than 100 km road inside the Angkor Archeological park . So you have to prepare accordingly .

You can travel either by a group tour / private tour inside the park by a mini bus or mini van . You can also book a Tuk Tuk for the Whole day tour . Or You can book a Motorcycle or Bicycle for a whole day . I booked bicycle inside the city . Here a city bike will cost 2 USD / day and 5 USD for a Mountain Bike .

I need 3 days to cover all major spots in Ankor wat area but still missed the Banteay siri which is 40 km from the city and the Rolos group which is in the eastern direction from the city . Any How I have to cycle 7 km everyday as the distance from the city to the Ankor wat is that . Though the distances from the one temple to another temple is quiet a high but there is huge trees on both the side of the road so cycling is very enjoying .

Summary :

Ankor Archelogical park is spread across 400 squre kilometer situated in the north western part of cambodia . In this huge space has lots of temples and structure build between the 9 th to 12 th century . Among them the Ankor Wat temple and the Bayon temple are the biggest . Ankor Wat is the biggest temple in the Whole world whereas the Bayon Temple has the mysterious four headed face .

There is one day and multi day Ankor pass which cost accordingly your duration of visit . Ankor Archelogical Park is a huge area , so traveling this place you need a bicycle , motorbike or a local tuk tuk . There are some temples in this area which are very far from Ankor Wat Temple and only possible by a motorized vehicle . You can also take a group tour to travel around this place .