Agartala is the capital of Tripura and the second biggest city in North East India . It’s name comes from the tree Agar which is the state tree of Tripura . Agartala Tour composed with some Magnificent Palace , Some beautiful park and forest of national importance just outside of the city , Lots of shopping places and some beautiful Hindu Temple .
Agartala travel places :
Ujjayanta Palace :

This is the exotic palace of Manikya Dynasty . It was build in the year of 1901 by the tripura king Radha kishore Manikya . It was the residence of the Manikya dynasty until India’a Independence . After independence this palace has been used as the Assembly hall of Tripura Government until 2011 . After that it was converted into a Museum . In this museum you can experience the tribal culture of Tripura . In this museum they exhibited the dress code , cooking materials and different household items of the tribal community of tripura . They also present the different tourist place inside the Tripura state .
When you enter from the main gate you can see two large water body on the both side of the road . Beside this , there is lots of trees for beautification . After that there is a fountain and then starts the Famous white Ujjayanta palace . The complex is all together spread inside 800 acres . Durbar , living room , kitchen , guest house and lots more are present in this complex .
Price : entry price for the Museum and the palace is all together Rs 20 INR . Keep your ticket until you enter the Museum , as ticket is checked in the time of entry through the main gate and also in the time of entry in the Museum . Somebody torn the ticket and throw in the dustbin . He collected the ticket from the dustbin and start forming shape from the torn ticket . Without this they will not allow you to enter .
Sepahijala wildlife sanctuary:

sepahijala wildlife sanctuary is a famous forest reserve in the state of Tripura and is situated 25 km from the city of Agartala . This is a huge area and inside the Sanctuary there is a zoo . Inside the zoo there is different animals , reptiles and birds .
When I enter the main gate then only the rangers ask me “If you want to go to the zoo by walk ?” . It is almost 5km from the main gate to the Zoo . Though it was little laborious but the view of the forest was more rewarding and the silence of the forest was very unique . After long walking I reached to the Zoo . Zoo was also quiet big . In this zoo , first time I see some cheetah like cats. Just after the entry inside the Zoo , you can see two or three bears enjoying the sun bath . After that you can see cheetah , lions , hayena , deer and lots more , This zoo is famous for the clouded Lepord but I don’t see any cloud lepord .
Price : Entry to the Sanctuary is 20 INR and entry to the Zoo is 20 INR .
Heritage Park :

This park is one of the important park in the city . The park has different types of plants and flowers . The park is very clean and they don’t allow any plastic inside the park .In the park there is a certain place where all the replica of the famous places in tripura were present . They made small stations and the replica of the tourist spots near to that station . By the help of train and buses they made this section . This is the most beautiful part of this park and a small sign board in the yellow and black makes reminder of the authentic indian railway station board .
Entry to this park in the morning from 6 am – 8am is free but after that there is a ticket of INR 10 .
Jagannath Bari :

Jagannath bari is a hindu temple of Lord Jagannath situated in the Ujjayanta palace complex . This temple was build by the Tripura king of Manikya dynasty in the 19 th century . It is a huge temple and a big pond was situated in the middle of the temple . Annual Ratha Yatra is the most revered festival in this temple . You can see both the HIndu and Islamic architecture in the building of this temple .
Temple entry is free but for keeping your shoes and bags you need to pay .
Summary :
Agartala was the Capital of tripura from the Manikya Dynasty in 19 th century to the current time . Agartala Tour comprises some famous temple and forest safari . This city was named from the famous agar tree used for the scent . Agar tree is found plenty in this area . The white Ujjayanta palace is the major attraction in this city and the famous Neermahal is just 50 km from the Agartala city .