Vientiane is the capital and the largest city in Laos . It is situated in the northern part of the Laos and established in the year 1000 AD . It was the administrative town of the Lan Xang town from the 1545 . It was later ransacked by the siames in the year 1828 AD . Later it served as the capital from the year 1975 when monarchy was gone and coming the communist government . This city was in the border between the Laos and the Thiland .
places to visit in Vientiane :
Patuxai Monument :

Patuxai Monument is a historical monument build in between 1957 and 1968 for the soilders who martered in the time of independence movement from france . It is closely resembles to the arc de triomphe of paris and called arc de triomphe of viantiane .
It has all togeather four gates and five dome in the roof . In front of the every gate there is a small pond .
Previously people can climb to the upper floors of the monument but now not possible . Though you can see it from outside but inside opens from morning 8 am – 5 pm .
COPE Visitor Centre :
COPE visitor centre is a non profit organization and museum where you can learn the weapons and mines used in the vietnam war and effect of this mines in the life of local people in all south east asia .
After the war ends lots of farm land was not cultivated in the fear of landmines . Lots of people died or severly injured in effect of the Landmines . Now a days this war weapon remains are lucrative business and lots of children are employed in this life threatening business .
It is opened from 8:30 am – 4 pm and closed on Monday . It is free for the tourists but they expect some donation . This institution treated lots of patients who are effected by the vietnam war .

Wat Si saket :

Wat si saket is the Buddhiest temple build in the year 1818 by the king Anouvong . You can see lots of small triangular space in the inner wall of the temple where they put some smaller buddhiest idols . Rather than a temple it is also a museum from 1935 .
This temple has been opened from the morning 8 am to 4 pm and price per ticket is 30000 Laotian Kip .
Lao Textile Museum :

This textile museum is run by a family and you can see the whole procedure how a silk cloths are being made . In the right picture you can see the raw silk . After that the silk thread were made and colored . Then after the final silk cloths were made by hand made weaving machine . When you reach there someone will accompany you to see the museum .
Ticket price of that museum is 30000 Laotian kip per adult . It is opened from 9 am – 16 : 00 pm .
Wat ong Theu :

This temple was build in the 16 th century by the king Setthathirath . It is called the temple of heavy buddha as there is a heavy buddha image inside the monastery .
This temple has been destroyed many times during the burmes invasion and the world war 2 .
It is opened from the morning 7 am to 5 pm .
Pha that Luang :

Pha that luang is the oldest buddhiest stupa in the Laos . It was first build in the 3 rd century BC carrying the breast bone relics of buddha from India by the order of Mouryan empire Ashoka . Later in the 16 th century in the time of king Setthathirath it was rebuilded in the current shape . This stupa is painted with Gold and build like a bud of the Lotus .
It is opened from the morning 8 am – 4 pm and the entry ticket is cost 30000 Laotian Kip for a foreign adult .
Wat si muang :

Wat si muang is another important monastery in the viantiane city build in the time Lang Xang kingdom in 1563 . In the time of making this monastery a pregnant lady was sacrificed . This temple has two rooms where in the second room there is buddha image and worship happens .
Entry to this temple is free and opens from the 6 am – 7 pm .
Black Stupa (That dam) :

That dam is one of the oldest stupa in the city of vientiane . Once it was covered with pure gold but the siames invador melted that gold and looted the gold . For burning the stupa it become black and called Black stupa .
People of Vientiane believe that seven hooded serpent king lived there earlier and protect the city .
Wat Mixay :

Wat Mixay is an important temple in the middle of the city . This temple has been established in between the year 1550 and 1571 by the king Sai setthathirat . This temple has been build to celebrate the victory over Burmes . For this reason it is called the temple of victory .
This temple has been opened from the 7 am – 5 pm and free for general .
Haw phra Kaew :

Haw Phra Kaew was build by the king saysetthathirath after he moved his capital in present day vientiane in 1565 to establish the emerald Buddha . Now It is a museum of the Buddhist tradition and History . You can see lots of buddhiest statues inside and outside of this temple complex .
Entry for the Laotian is 5000 Laotian Kip where as for the foreigner it is 30000 Laotian Kip . This complex is opened from 8 am – 4 pm .
Vientiane Night Market :
Viantiane’s night market is situated very near to the Riverbank of Mekong . This night market is spread almost 2 km beside the river where you can get food items , cloths , shoes and daily accessories . In the every evening there is a huge crowd gathered there .

Mekong riverside Park :

Mekong riverside park is one of the relaxing place in the city of Vientiane . This place is situated just in the border between the Laos and Thiland . One side it is Laos and in the opposite side of the river mekong there is the Thiland .
Near to this place there is a night market and a big statue of a freedom struggler .
Summary :
Vientiane is the capital of Lan Xang from 1545 . It is also the city where the in famous Emerald Buddha was established . It has lots of tourists places to visit among them most of the temples were build in the 16 th century . River side of the vientiane is very nice and you see the glimpse of the opposite side Thiland .